Hey beauties,
Do you struggle with cellulite? You’re not alone! 90% of women have cellulite (and 10% of men), including top celebrities. Even Kate Moss and Kim K have been known to seek cellulite treatments.
Exercise can’t get rid of it. Healthy eating can’t get rid of it. So what can you do?

We recommend 3D Lipo! Specifically, a radio frequency treatment followed by shockwave therapy.
Fat melting radio frequency generates heat, which contracts collagen in fat layers beneath the skin. As a result, your skin will look smoother and tighter. Plus, this treatment encourages more collagen production, meaning you’ll see long-lasting results.

Shockwave therapy speeds up fat disposal. Having shockwave therapy straight after radio frequency means you’ll see results much faster. The shockwaves also penetrate deeper into fat layers. This breaks down more collagen to further smoothen the skin.
If you want to see a huge improvement in cellulite, we recommend a 6-8 treatment course of radio frequency and shockwave. Book a free, no-obligation consultation with us today!
The Natural Definition Team x